An advanced system for entering manual bookings into the bank's core system
FMC.Booking is a modern helper tool used to enter booking documents into the Bank’s General Ledger, quickly and securely.
Often, General Ledger applications (core systems) offer a cumbersome and user-unfriendly interface for creating manual booking documents. Very few or none allow for the four-eyes principle before the booking document is actually accepted to the General Ledger.
FMC.Booking offers a simple and a very user-friendly interface, with additional options that can only reduce the time needed to enter a manual booking document, freeing your resources for more important work.

Secure them with the Four-eyes principle
Each booking document added through FMC.Booking is controlled by another person (the four-eyes principle). This way you can significantly reduce the risk of errors and time spent on corrections, and improve overall data quality.
Booking documents can also be imported from Excel templates, reducing the booking entry time even more.

Validation and easy reversal
Every booking document is automatically validated by the application to reduce the margin of error. The user is immediately notified if something is not right (balance, missing analytics, etc...) and the booking document cannot be saved until it is corrected.
You can also quickly create copies or reversal booking documents using the original booking document that was booked and needs to be partially or fully copied or reversed. You can also modify or delete booking documents (where applicable), and print them out wherever needed.

Integration and security
With its modular design and with the support of latest technologies, FMC.Booking allows full integration with the Bank’s internal systems.
The security token used to log on to Bank’s General Ledger is shared with FMC.Booking, so there is no need for any additional security administration.