A modern enterprise system for front-office operations: security, derivative and money market trading
FMC.FrontOffice is a modern enterprise system to support front-office operations: security, derivative and money market trading.
It is developed using the latest technologies that enable seamless integration with other systems, and is characterized with values such as operation speed, ease of use and personalization for an individual user or type of user. It significantly reduces operational risks and increases the speed of business processes through automation and incorporation of data flow through the system.

Full integration
FMC.FrontOffice integrates with the Bank’s existing systems and trading platform (such are Reuters, Bloomberg, Xetra, etc.) and provides portfolio management with limit- and risk-related analyses, including what-if analysis, value-at-risk, portfolio duration and many others. It supports both client portfolios and internal portfolios (company owned). All calculations in the system are based on mathematical calculations parameterized by the entered and/or imported data.
It also includes features such as digital signing of documents in accordance with the legislation, document archiving and security audit and control system.

Projections and monitoring
FMC.FrontOffice allows for easy entry of different variations of front office orders, and automatically tracks their effects on the composition of the portfolio and overall liquidity. It incorporates a user-friendly interface that is optimized for fast data entry, and an elaborate warning system that keeps the user informed of any repercussions of the concluded deal in relation to the overall portfolio status, such as breaking legal or internal limits, influence of currency exposure, and similar.
The entire flow of orders between front, middle and back office is fully automated, minimizing the possibility for errors or late order processing. It also reduces risk in the business by tracking outstanding orders and alerting the user of unconfirmed orders. It independently calculates the depreciated cost (if applicable), which enables additional data control before forwarding to the BO.

Various analysis and data tracking
FMC.FrontOffice generates asset projections (pro forma NAV, or NAV per day T), and performs various financial and statistical analysis calculations (including contribution analysis), graphically displaying data for fast and precise understanding of the analysis results.
An all-in-one front office solution – FMC.FrontOffice.