A business management system for all types of investment funds
FMC.Invest is a complete enterprise solution for fund management company services. Manage all your investment funds in one place.
Handle all portfolio and Unitholder transactions, calculate daily NAV and report to regulators with time to spare. With FMC.Invest bulk processing and revaluation, the time for daily NAV calculations can be significantly reduced.

Bulk Revaluations that Save Time
FMC.Invest handles the complete business process in fund management including security and cash transactions (subscriptions, investments, maturities, redemptions, etc.), registration and evidence of unit transactions performed through collection cash accounts, investment limitation calculations and warnings, ticket sending by e-mail, bookings, payments, etc. It also includes bulk financial instrument valuation using various methods, to significant save time in your daily routine.
Everything that can be automated is, allowing the daily NAV processing to be as time effective as possible.

Payment Processing
Unitholder payment processing is automated through the agreed form of the favour-of number. This means that payments with a particular favour-of number are automatically booked and converted into units (subscriptions) or prepared for payment towards the Unitholder (redemptions) in selected electronic formats convenient for bulk processing in the fund management company payment system.
This way, the system reduces operational risk and decreases processing time to conserve your valuable resources.

The full-scale reporting system includes all necessary internal reporting, Client reporting (transaction confirmations, annual reports), and reporting towards regulators, such as daily NAV calculations, financial reports, etc. All reports are compliant with and customized to the local legislation and regulations.
The system also includes automatic e-mailing options (e.g. Client reports), thus additionally saving time and money.