a business management system for all types of pension funds
FMC.Pension is a complete enterprise solution for pension fund management company services. Manage all your compulsory and voluntary pension funds in one place.
With special regulatory constraints in mind, FMC.Pension is specifically tailored for pension fund management, taking into account Unitholder contract types, voluntary fund membership transfer options, number of unitholders, pension payment processing, and more.

Time Saving Features
FMC.Pension covers automatic data import, registration and settlement of financial instrument transactions, registration and evidence of unit transactions, investment limitation calculations and warnings, ticket processing, bookings, payments, reporting, etc. It also offers bulk financial instrument valuation using various methods, various fee calculations, automatic e-mailing and monitoring of all account operations of the fund (general ledger, balance sheet, etc.).
All the features required in pension fund processing are here and are optimized for best performance over a large number of funds and/or unitholders.

Together with data export options, automatic reporting options and data warehousing options for Business Intelligence analysis, FMC.Pension fulfills all your reporting needs.

Integration and Extensions
With additional extensions, such as FMC.WebPortal, FMC.Agents, FMC.CallCenter, FMC.DocumentManagement, the FMC.Pension package can be specifically tailored to cover any specific needs and procedures of pension fund management companies.
Its modularity and the support of the latest technologies enable FMC.Pension to fully integrate into your company’s external and internal information systems. With its authorization system, FMC.Pension can easily meet your corporate security standards.