
a complete solution for retail services

FMC.Retail is a modern, internationally certified application that offers full support for the Bank’s retail services and represents an added value for the Bank’s portfolio.

All banking products defined in FMC.Retail are available for use from the Bank’s branch network and other sales channels (e-banking, m-banking…).

Clients invest from the comfort of their private space without the need to visit the Bank, while still conforming to the legislative part of the investment process (digital document signing).

The Bank profits from its flexible options to define new products and boost its cross-selling results and market visibility. Various types of investment products, saving scheme packages and structured product combinations can be created. With extensive modularity and integration, this creates an additional advantage of fast time to market.



The FrontOffice part is used in Bank branches. With its guided business workflow support, it has the shortest possible learning curve. It was created and designed to be easy to learn and easy to use.

It is client-oriented and integrates all the documentation needed in the retail business, including MiFID compliant papers. All signed documents are archived and available for review at any time. Various custom calculators and Client reports are accessible at the click of a button to provide the fastest support when handling Client’s requests.

With an incorporated extensive audit trail and the four-eyes principle, no data is left to chance.



The BackOffice part is the central control centre for retail services. One BackOffice user alone can control the complete daily processing, with time to spare. The BackOffice administrator can control Retail processes, enter new products, manage sale campaign discounts and commercial campaigns through transaction statements, create internal reports and reports for regulatory bodies and Clients, and more.

All control work is performed in bulk: i.e. payment processing, SWIFT processing, Client transaction statement processing, booking to General Ledger, etc. Everything that can be automated is, with easy administration and regular execution schedules.



Its modularity and the support of latest technologies enable the full integration of FMC.Retail with external information systems and the Bank’s internal systems, including (but not limited to): core, general ledger, reporting, payment and swift systems, e-banking proxies, client relationship management and document management systems.

In this way, the data flow within the Bank remains continuous, expanded with added value from the FMC.Retail system.